Mar 272012
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Global civilization could collapse, without proactive steps.

by Gwynne Dyer

"What do you think of western civilization, Mr. Gandhi?"

Mohandas Gandhi: 
"I think it would be a good idea."

The quote is probably apocryphal, but if the Mahatma didn't say it, he should have.

Now we have something close to a global civilization: most of the world's people work in similar economies, use the same machines, and live about as long. They even know most of the same things and have the same ambitions. So we need somebody to ask us the same question. Do we really think a global civilization is a good idea? And if so, have we any plans for keeping it going beyond a few generations more?

History is full of civilizations that collapsed, and often their fall was followed by a Dark Age. In the past these Dark Ages were just regional events (Europe after the fall of Rome, Central America after the collapse of Mayan civilization, China after the Mongol invasion), but now we are all in the same boat. If this civilization crashes then we could end up in the longest and worst Dark Age ever.

Our duty to our great-grandchildren is to figure out how to get through the 21st century without a collapse…


  Original article

About Gwynne Dyer

Gwynne Dyer is a London-based independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

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