Mar 182013
Tax the rich.
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Investment in services preferred.

by SGNews Staff

An Environics poll conducted February 14 – 21 shows that more than 70 percent of Albertans rejects the idea of cuts to public services. More than three quarters of those polled agreed that there should be an increase in taxes for the wealthy and corporations.

The poll, on behalf of Alberta's six largest public sector unions, indicated the majority of Albertans want to see more investment in health care, education and community services.

Most rejected the idea of a sales tax, while 72 percent said they would favour a return to a progresssive income tax, and 77 percent want increased taxes on corporations and those who make more than $200,000 a year.

Respondents identified several priorities for government spending, including a provincial strategy for seniors’ care and publicly-funded health care as opposed to for-profit care.

Nearly half of respondents favoured hiring more teachers and support staff for schools.

The poll surveyed more than a thousand Albertans, and took place during provincial budget discussions which call for dramatic cuts in health and education spending.

The Alberta Federation of Labour, Alberta Teachers' Association, Alberta Union of Provincial Employees, Canadian Union of Public Employees — Alberta, Health Sciences Association of Alberta, and United Nurses of Alberta commissioned the poll.

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