Mar 212013
Underage drinking.
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Private liquor stores hike alcohol use.

from the Saskatchewan Government and General Employees' Union

SGEU is calling on the Saskatchewan government to place a moratorium on private liquor stores following a study recently released by the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health.

"Strategies to reduce alcohol-related harm and costs in Canada: A comparison of provincial policies" states that governments do not pay enough attention to addressing the damaging effects of alcohol on families and communities. The report concludes that alcohol is a leading risk factor for ill-health, injury and disability in North America.

“It is troubling that Saskatchewan is heading in the wrong direction by privatizing liquor sales,” said SGEU president Bob Bymoen.

"Research consistently shows that private liquor sales result in greater alcohol-related social harm. Public liquor retailers can make social responsibility a priority. But private businesses need to maximize profits, and so are more likely to sell alcohol to those who shouldn't have it, such as minors or intoxicated customers."

The Saskatchewan government has indicated that all new liquor stores in the province will be private. Three new private stores have recently been announced.

"The safety and wellbeing of Saskatchewan families, not the financial interests of private business owners, should be front and centre when government makes decisions about alcohol sales," said Byrnoen.

The Centre for Addictions and Mental Health is Canada's largest addictions and mental health teaching hospital


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