Nuclear power plants too costly, use too much water, and generate too much waste.
by Jeremy Rifkin
Jeremy Rifkin explains why nuclear energy is a very poor business model.
About Jeremy Rifkin
Jeremy Rifkin (born January 26, 1945) is an American economist, writer, public speaker, political advisor and activist. He is the founder and president of the Foundation On Economic Trends. Rifkin's work explores the potential impact of scientific and technological changes on the economy, the workforce, society, and the environment.
© Copyright 2013 Jeremy Rifkin, All rights Reserved. Written For:
This guy doesn't even mention replacing uranium with thorium which is more plentiful, safer, and can be turned off and on by stopping the beam of neutrons. Current reactors can be converted easily and thorium cannot be used for weapons. It can clean up the plutonium produced by uranium reactors and thorium can be cooled by molten salt or pebbles rather than water.
I am thrilled by the work of chemists at U.of Calgary on catalysts for electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen gas. When used with wind or solar powers, it can provide storage energy to feed the grid for peak demands. The new catalysts are non toxic and make the process 1000 times cheaper. It will be commercially available in 2014 and available for home use in 2015. See This solution should solve our energy needs and keep the environment clean. No need for bitumen now. Save it for future materials manufacturing and let it rest.