Apr 302013
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Students demand Rhode Island School of Design stop investing in fossil fuel companies, sell off current holdings over next five years.

from The Nation

"Eleven students from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) held a sit-in Monday in college President John Maeda’s office. The activists are demanding that President Maeda and Board of Trustees Chair Michael Spalter endorse divestment from the coal, gas, and oil industries and commit to presenting the case for divestment to the Board of Trustees at the board’s May 17 meeting.

"This sit-in is the first of its kind in the nationwide divestment movement, through which students at more than 300 colleges and universities are demanding that their schools stand against climate change and divest their endowments from fossil fuel companies.

“'I want to have kids. I want to show them this planet,' said Phoebe Wahl, a RISD senior. 'As artists and designers, we are innovators with the ability to shape our own future. The way that our generation deals with this issue will define the future of civilization.' …"

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