Andrew Gavin Marshall

Andrew Gavin Marshall is an independent researcher and writer, covering a broad range of issues – economic, political, social, cultural, and historical – in an effort to bring a critical perspective to world events. He has authored dozens of articles, essays, and reports online and for various magazines and other publications, and is regularly interviewed by radio and television programs on a number of different issues. He recently co-edited a book with Professor Michel Chossudovsky entitled, The Global Economic Crisis: The Great Depression of the XXI Century, a collection of essays by a number of authors and researchers presenting a more critical and nuanced examination of the economic crisis that began in 2008.

May 222012

The issue is debt, not tuition fees.

by Andrew Gavin Marshall

Student strikes in Quebec began in February and have lasted for three months, despite draconian police and legislative response. Demonstrations and organizations involving roughly 175,000 students have been conducted mainly in French, a factor that allows English language media to ignore or misconstrue the students and their struggle. The following is a list of ten talking points about the student movement in Quebec, to help place their struggle in its proper global context.

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