Anelyse Weiler and Gerardo Otero

Anelyse Weiler is a Master’s student and Gerardo Otero is a professor in the Department of Sociology at Simon Fraser University. Both belong to the BC Employment Standards Coalition and Otero is a research associate at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Mar 182013

Boom in temporary migrant workers creates a vulnerable workforce, increases workplace inequality

by Anelyse Weiler and Gerardo Otero

In 2013, for the first time in Canadian history, retirees will outnumber young people entering the workforce. Immigration is a sensible way to offset population shrinkage and economic decline and, for decades, federal programs have invited new workers to settle in Canada for precisely that reason.

But now, on the cusp of Canada’s Baby Bust, a migrant workers boom is underway. Since 2006, the number of guest workers has surpassed that of economic immigrants who can become permanent residents and ultimately Canadian citizens. This policy shift not only increases the vulnerability of these workers, but also undermines wages and conditions for all workers in Canada.

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