Canadian Association of Retired People

CARP is a national, non-partisan, non-profit organization committed to a ‘New Vision of Aging for Canada’ promoting social change that will bring financial security, equitable access to health care and freedom from discrimination. Our mandate is to promote and protect the interests, rights and quality of life for Canadians as we age.

Aug 082012

CARP studies how to engaging older Canadians in the workforce.

from the Canadian Association of Retired People

The right to work and remain engaged is under threat for many older Canadians. Systemic and informal ageism pressures older workers to "make room" for upcoming employees, despite the benefits of their experience, skills, and contributions to society. Government and employers have created barriers to continued employment based on negative attitudes and ageist practices towards older workers.


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Jul 242012

Ontario has no plans to limit health care to those older than 75.

from CARP

A hoax email has been circulating that seeks to frighten seniors with patently false information.

The email claims — falsely — that the Ontario government will cut off health care services for everyone over the age of 75 unless approved by an "Ethics Panel." This hoax email is based on a similar viral hoax message that circulated in the United States.

With so many CARP members receiving the email, CARP asked the Ontario Ministry of Health for clarification, and the ministry confirmed that the email has no basis in truth.

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