the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union

The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada is the largest union in several key sectors of Canada’s economy, including forestry, energy, telecommunications and media. The union’s 110,000 members work at a wide variety of jobs in hundreds of different workplaces across the country. CEP’s main activities include negotiating better wages, benefits and working conditions, protecting jobs, achieving equality, grievance representation, union education, organizing new members, political action, strengthening national and international ties.

Nov 162012

Provincially-owned educational station faces five percent cut across the board.

from the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union

TORONTO, November 13, 2012 — The job losses announced this morning at TVO will be harmful to the quality of content produced by the station. In an announcement this morning, TVO said it is cutting roughly 40 jobs and long-standing shows such as Saturday Night at the Movies, Allan Gregg in Conversation, and Big Ideas.

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Aug 082012

Result would be Canada's largest private sector union.

from the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union

The blueprint for the creation of what would be Canada's largest industrial union was released on Wednesday August 1 at a press conference in Toronto. Representatives of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (CEP) and the Canadian Auto Workers union (CAW) launched the final report from the joint committee on the creation of a new union.

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