Saskatchewan government "studies" 40-hour week, union autonomy.
Does the Saskatchewan Party respect international labour law? If their ongoing labour reform is any indication the answer is no.
A half dozen proposals in the labour consultation paper the government unveiled in May would definitely contravene International Labour Organization (ILO) statutes. For example, in a move that could affect a large number of unorganized workers, the consultation paper asks "What limitations should there be on hours of work, if any?"
Any move to lengthen Saskatchewan's work week would contravene the spirit, if not the letter, of the 1957 ILOConvention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work to Forty a Week.
The Saskatchewan Party's consultation paper directly attacks collective bargaining rights enshrined by ILO conventions and recommendations. It questions whether employers should "be able to apply to the Labour Relations Board to rescind a certification order" on the grounds that a union is "not representing its employees".
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