Friends of Canadian Broadcasting

Friends of Canadian Broadcasting remains firmly in support of the concept and requirement that radio and television stations broadcast a measure of made-in-Canada programming. No other country comes close to Canada in keeping its airwaves open to foreign programming. With the helpful addition of new specialty channels and the prospect of digital radio, Canadians will continue to have extraordinary access to news and entertainment from around the world.

May 022013

Harperites' Omnibus Budget Bill gives government control over what news CBC reports.

from Friends of Canadian Broadcasting

Buried deep in the government’s latest Omnibus Budget Bill is an insidious plan to take control of the lion’s share of CBC spending, a move that will undermine the CBC’s editorial independence.

If this provision becomes law, Stephen Harper will become the ultimate boss at CBC with all employees, including journalists, beholden to him.

This is a move that could turn our national public broadcaster into a politically controlled propaganda machine. It would prevent the CBC from playing its critical role in holding governments of all stripes accountable to Canadians.

The Conservative Broadcasting Corporation?

A majority of the CBC's Board of Directors have contributed financially to the Conservative Party, including Rémi Racine, the Board chair, who gave the Conservative Party of Canada $1,200.00 last year while sitting on the Board.

CBC Board Members

In addition to stacking the Board with Conservative supporters, the Harper government, for the first time, has required the CBC Chair to maintain “effective relationships" with Heritage Minister Moore and his staff as a condition of appointment.

The government is also supporting a private member's Bill (C-471) that would undermine the CBC's competitive position, while some of its MPs have openly mused about ending CBC funding altogether.

We need to Free CBC from political interference.  Please sign the petition now!


Free CBC from Political Interference

To: Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Cc: My Member of Parliament

The CBC must be independent from the government.

That is why I object to the government taking control of the lion’s share of the CBC’s budget. The Prime Minister should not have direct control of the salaries and working conditions of CBC’s journalists and creative staff.

I do not want any politician exercising such control over our national public broadcaster. I urge you to abandon this plan.

Friends of Canadian Broadcasting
















Visit the Friends of Public Broadcasting to sign this petition online.


You can read all about it here:

Dec 012012

We are in a struggle for the survival of what’s left of public broadcasting in Canada.

from Friends of Public Broadcasting

Public broadcasting in Canada is slowly slipping away in the face of budget cuts that are leading our national public broadcaster to become ever more commercial.

The latest line in the sand is public radio.  CBC is seeking permission from the CRTC to place unlimited advertising on some of its radio networks — a proposal that shocks many CBC listeners and recalls the time when commercials on CBC radio were a source of revenue.

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