George Lakey

George Lakey is the director of Training for Change. He has led 1,500 workshops and activist projects on the local, national and international levels. He has written several articles and books on strategizing for activism, including Grassroots and Nonprofit Leadership: A Guide for Organizations in Changing Times. Currently, Lakey is a Lang Research Fellow and Visiting Professor at Swarthmore College.

Oct 022012

Middle class power is illusory; the top 1% make the big decisions.

by George Lakey

Bill McKibben's July Rolling Stone article attracted enormous attention for his proposal to step up the fight against the fossil-fuels industry in the struggle to forestall global warming. To identify a clear opponent and mobilize power against it is, of course, a strategy of polarization. McKibben has been getting some thoughtful pushback, and I’d like to respond to one of the objections I’ve heard: that polarizing in this way distorts the truth, since carbon pollution is driven by millions of consumer choices. We’re all responsible for the fix we’re in, some critics say, so it’s wrong to mobilize against the 1 percent.

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