J F Foulds

J F (Jim) Foulds is a free lance writer (both fiction and non-fiction) living in Thunder Bay. He was the NDP MPP for Port Arthur from 1971 to 1987. He taught Ontario Politics at Lakehead University for over 20 years. He is currently working on a book of memoirs about Ontario politics.

Apr 042013

In four successful elections, the lowest majority Chavez ever got was 54 percent.

by Jim Foulds

In early March Stephen Harper used Hugo Chavez’s death as an opportunity to preach about democracy to Venezuelans. Talk about faceplanting your big mouth in a cow pasture! Harper should have checked with Latinobarometro. Latin America’s largest polling firm found that 84 percent of Venezuelans viewed their democracy positively. Venezuela’s last voter turnout at 81 percent puts Canada and the US to shame.

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Feb 112013

Chief Theresa Spence, new leaders, raised awareness of unacceptable conditions.

by JF (Jim) Foulds

Polls show a mere 18 percent of Canadians believe Chief Theresa Spence has advanced both her own cause and that of Canada’s Aboriginal citizens. I vote with the 18 percent.

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