National Bar Association

The National Bar Association was founded in 1925 and is the nation's oldest and largest national network of predominantly African American attorneys and judges. It represents approximately 44,000 lawyers, judges, law professors and law students and has over 80 affiliate chapters throughout the United States and around the world.

Jul 152013

US National Bar Association call for investigation, civil rights charges.

from the National Bar Association

WASHINGTON DC, July 14, 2013 — We are extremely disappointed by the verdict in the case of State of Florida v George Zimmerman. As lawyers we respect the rule of law, but in this instance the Zimmerman verdict sadly highlights the continued injustices Black Americans face in the US legal system.

"The verdict," stated NBA President John E Page "says an unarmed college-bound Black teen can be profiled, stalked, confronted and killed by an armed neighborhood watchman with hollow tip point bullets. We express our heartfelt condolences to Trayvon Martin's family on this tragic verdict. We also say 'Enough is enough!  It is not okay to kill our youth'."

The fact is the jury delivered a not guilty verdict. The truth is justice has not been served. In these most challenging of times, we are called upon to act. We must move from outrage to action. It starts today with the NBA and you!
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