Almost 10,000 voters turn out for referendum.
by SGNews Staff
In what was called "a great day for local democracy", 9,855 Kingston and area residents turned out to vote April 13 in a community referendum organized by the Kingston Health Coalition on whether the region 's new hospital should be public and non-profit or P3 and for-profit. Ninety-six percent voted in favour of a public non-profit new hospital.
“It was a great day for Kingston and area residents and for local democracy,” said Ross Sutherland, chair of the Kingston Health Coalition. “Almost 10,000 people braved the cold, rain and wind to vote at 55 polling stations staffed by 180 volunteers to keep their new hospital public and non-profit.”
Reduced services increase inequality — CCPA.
by SGNews Staff
A report released April 9 by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives states that spending cuts and staff reductions have seriously weakened BC's public sector, which is the smallest in Canada, measured as a share of the population.