SGNews Staff

This article was written by one or more SGNews staff members.

Mar 172013

Tell Alberta: Halt the removal of obstetrical services from Banff Mineral Springs Hospital.

from the Community of Banff

To Alberta Health Services and to Covenant Health;

Obstetrics is an essential health service and central pillar of community. This decision [to require Banff residents to travel 30 minutes on a highway to deliver a baby in hospital] was taken without public input or consultation with those people most likely to be affected. The result of this unilateral decision will be to limit the range of choice for women and their families with regards to primary health care.

Alberta Health Services and Covenant Health
Stop the removal of obstetrical services from the Banff Hospital


[Your name]

Sign this letter online at



Banff hospital closes down obstetrics ward


Mar 132013
Mar 122013

First major global study finds nonprofits important for jobs, GDP.

from Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies

A new report from the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies reveals that nonprofit organizations are major employers and major sources of employment growth in countries throughout the world. The report draws on new data generated by statistical offices in sixteen countries that have implemented a new United Nations Handbook on Nonprofit Institutions. This Handbook calls on national statistical offices to report on the economic scale and composition of nonprofit organizations in their countries for the first time.

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Mar 072013

The danger of monopolizing food.

by SGNews staff

Katherine Paul and Ronnie Cummins identify the real issue behind the US Supreme Court hearings on Monsanto's seed patent infringement case: Why are we surrendering control over something so basic to human survival as seeds? While the mainstream media discuss legal details, Paul and Cummins focus on the much larger issues of biodiverse farming techniques, the increased use of pesticides on herbidice-resistant GE crops, and the danger of conglomerates holding the world's seed supply.
Mar 072013
Mar 042013
Mar 042013
Sam Hammond

Recommended ban on extra-curriculars remains

by SGNews Staff
The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario, while welcoming positive discussions with the provincial government, is awaiting concrete actions before lifting its advisory to its members on voluntary and extra-curricular activity.

“While we have experienced a marked and welcome change in the Wynne government’s approach to addressing its relationship with teachers, this has yet to translate into real change,”

said ETFO President Sam Hammond. "In these circumstances, ETFO's advice regarding voluntary/extracurricular activities remains unchanged."
"Beyond the initial commitments made by the government team to listen, engage in positive dialogue and explore a more inclusive process for future bargaining rounds, it is going to take real actions to regain the confidence of members in light of the very flawed process during 2012 that resulted in the loss of members' fundamental democratic rights."
"ETFO remains committed to working with the government to find meaningful ways to address the current issues facing the education sector," he added. "We look forward to responses from the government team that address the key issues that ETFO has brought to the table on behalf of members."
Feb 282013
Ken Coran.

Ban lifted on extracurricular activities.

by SGNews staff

The Ontario Seconday School Teachers' Federation is recommending its members suspend political action related to extracurricular and voluntary activities, following a meeting of the organization's provincial council Feb 22.

“We expect that this sign of good will from our members will prompt the government to have genuine discussions that can lead to a fair resolution to this current impasse,” said Ken Coran, federation president.

"We still maintain that voluntary activities are just that, voluntary," he said. "We encourage members to review recent information and decide if they are willing to return to participating in the activities we know they feel so passionately about."