SGNews Staff

This article was written by one or more SGNews staff members.

Feb 072013

J-Source whittles down long list of nominees.

from J-Source

TORONTO, February 7, 2013 (CNW) — J-Source today announced its shortlist for the J-Source Canadian Newsperson of the Year award.

The Newsperson of the Year award seeks to honour a Canadian who has demonstrated excellence and had a positive impact on the quality of journalism in their community or across the country, perhaps innovating the way news is gathered and told, inspiring journalists, educators, and the Canadian public. 

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Feb 062013
Doctor using a computer.

Hospital Employees Union calls for audit.

by SGNews Staff

The Hospital Employees' Union is asking BC's privacy commissioner Elizabeth Denham to investigate outsourced medical transcription services in the greater Vancouver area, citing concerns over the privacy and accuracy of patients' medical information.

Over the past few years, health authorities have dramatically expanded the outsourcing of medical transcription and plan to completely contract out the service by 2014.

"Right now, highly trained and skilled medical transcriptionists are employed by health authorities and work onsite in secure office spaces," said Bonnie Pearson, HEU secretary-business manager.
"This in-house service ensures direct access to electronic medical records, physicians and other members of the health care team to verify patient information, tests and procedures, diagnoses, medications and treatment plans.  Our members are charged with handling highly sensitive data.  It's imperative that work be done on internal information systems with secure internet connections.  This system makes sense and provides greater quality assurance for patients' medical charts."
She said outsourcing medical transcription would make it "virtually impossible" to guarantee privacy when the work is done by a nationwide network of home-based workers.
A significant portion of Vancouver-area medical transcription services is outsourced to Accentus, Inc.  By 2014, all medical transcription in the area is to be transferred to M*Model Canada.
Lay-off notices have been issued to more than 130 in-house medical transcriptionists.
Feb 052013
Feb 042013

Two new stamps add to annual Black History Month recognition of outstanding Canadians.

from Canada Post

OTTAWA — Canada Post released new stamps to honour two individuals who have made vast contributions in their respective fields. Oliver Jones, world renowned jazz musician, and Seraphim “Joe” Fortes, dedicated lifeguard on the country’s west coast, will each adorn a stamp to celebrate Black History Month in Canada.

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Jan 302013

Families still living in hot spots with radiation levels higher than evacuation zones at Chernobyl.

from WorldNetworkChildren

Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial is a citizen's collective lawsuit demanding the local government of Koriyama City, Fukushima to evacuate the children to the areas under 1mS/y of background radioactive dose. If the case of the children in Koriyama is approved by the court, other aurthorities of the high radiation areas will have to embrace this standard and ensure children the unconditional support for the evacuation.

A Japanese lawyer addresses the UN about conditions in Fukushima
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The Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial
World Network for Saving Children from Radiation

Jan 292013
Jan 282013
A Bill 115 protest sign.

Campaign to protect bargaining rights launched.

by SGNews Staff

The repeal of Bill 115 is an attempt by Ontario Liberals to show they have changed, but CUPE says the attempt to fool people won't succeed. CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn called the announcement hypocritical.

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Jan 252013

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Jan 232013

Local outcry, resistance over radiation in water has caused unrest.

by Adam Elliott-Cooper

France opened 2013 with a series of airstrikes on Northern Mali to prevent “the establishment of a terrorist state”. At the time of writing, 11 civilians (including two children) have been killed, and according to the UN, an estimated 30,000 have been displaced.

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