William A Collins

OtherWords columnist William A Collins is a former state representative and a former mayor of Norwalk, Connecticut.

Feb 182013
Lottery loser.

Rather than treating the addiction to gambling, governments prey on it.

by William A Collins

Tainted money
For your state,
When legislators
Take the bait.

The gambling industry’s under-the-radar political heft got a shot of overdue publicity when Sheldon Adelson, its biggest mogul, tried to use casino profits to buy the US presidency last year. Fortunately, the candidates the quirky conservative promoted were so flawed they lost.

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Feb 112013

Today's robber barons have little interest in long-term, full-time employees.

by William A Collins

Here I am
In working prime,
But all the jobs
Are just part-time.

The ancestors of many Americans came here to escape mingy monarchs, oppressive priests, and baleful barons who controlled all aspects of communal life back in their countries. They bravely left everything they knew behind in a quest for freedom.

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Jan 282013

Not even legislators get to see drafts of secret negotiations over the new Trans-Pacific Partnership.

by William A Collins

Tidy rip-offs
From free trade;
For which we
So dearly paid

The Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade agreement, being negotiated in secret even as we speak, has a lot to say about worker rights and environmental protections. This pact, which is shaping up between the United States and 10 other nations, comes out squarely against them.

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