Dec 222012
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Crowds lined up for two miles to turn in weapons including assault rifles.

by Lori Preuitt

A gun buyback day in San Francisco and Oakland brought out huge crowds Saturday as local residents turned over firearms for cash.

Each person turning in a working firearm to police was given $200 cash. The line was around the block in San Francisco where the group ran out of cash by early afternoon and started handing out IOU.'s.

A woman named Jean-Margaret Strauss was one of the first in line.  She said the shooting in Newtown helped motivate her to turn in three guns that used to be her father's. She said her guns weren't jeopardizing anyone, but turning them in was a way to honor her family history. She said she kept her dad's holster and plans to put gardening tools in it. "I don't have to keep a hold of the guns," Strauss said.

In Oakland, police said the response was even bigger. They expect to take back 300 guns Saturday. Police spokesperson Johnna Watson said people there turned in assault rifles, AK47s and other weapons that were known to be stolen.

At one point, the line in Oakland, including cars, stretched for nearly two miles. "I've never seen anything like it," Watson said….

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