Jan 172013

Latest in a series of scandals at McGill University Health Centre.
from the National Union of Public and General Employees
The recent raid of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) by police investigating concerns about the public-private partnership project to build a hospital is a reminder of the seamy side of privatization.
But this is not the first problem encountered with the P3 hospital.
The project has come under fire twice before.
Then, six months ago, it was announced that the P3 hospital would be four months late opening. Privatization proponents tout the MUHC as an example for other private hospitals to follow. In 2010, the MUHC P3 received a Gold Award for Project Financing from the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships.
The MUHC P3 example is one more reminder of the problems caused by keeping accurate information about privatization from the public. Rules requiring transparency and accountability are needed to protect the public interest when privatization is proposed for public services.
The Public Services Foundation of Canada has put out a five-point plan to protect the public interest when privatized services are proposed. You can find that plan at Public Service Foundation of Canada: Something to Value .
© Copyright 2013 National Union of Public and General Employees, All rights Reserved. Written For: StraightGoods.ca
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