from the New York Times
A budding campaign aims to encourage a cultural shift on guns after Newtown.
from the New York Times
A budding campaign aims to encourage a cultural shift on guns after Newtown.
from the Boston Globe
…Neither Chavez’s excesses nor, now, his death can disprove what he was right about: the need to grapple with the horrors of mass poverty.
from The Atlantic
Issuing a "call to arms," the Rick Perry-appointee decries his state's failure to provide adequate legal services for millions of Texas' poor
from the Georgia Straight
… in condemning historical apologies, he misses the central point. These are not about integrating or not integrating "ethnic people".
Rather, they are about helping the rest of us question any smug legitimacy we might feel as "real Canadians" vis-a-vis those around us.
from the Nation
Was it really five years ago that some brave Saudi women dared to drive their own cars to protest the blanket denial of basic human rights to women in the Kingdom? Not much has changed since, despite a few cosmetic measures.
from The Guardian
Where are the civil libertarians in the president's party that we must rely on a Tea Party Republican to champion this issue?
from The Tyee
Upon study, the language of the ethnic outreach memo tells us much about the party's inner mind.
from Al Jazeera
Satellite images show political prison camps expanding to enclose civilian settlements, Amnesty International says…
from The Guardian
Biggest consumers of food such as ham, bacon and sausages are 44 percent more likely to die prematurely, according to research…
from the CBC
Ken Stone says CSIS agents inquired about his relationship with the Iranian government in response to his Hamilton Spectator editorial, Harper is Wrong in Demonizing Iran.