Aug 272012
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I hope Mulcair wins.

From: Anita Romaniuk

I agree wholeheartedly with this article. I voted for Thomas Mulcair first and Nathan Cullen second. If Mulcair was that hard to get along with, why do over 40 MP's support him, including supporters from BC, Ontario, and Atlantic Canada.

The BC NDP brought Mulcair out to speak at a convention shortly after he was first elected in the by-election. I was impressed then and I am still impressed. I have been an NDP member since 1981, and I, too, have found some of the stock "boilerplate" language quaint at best and cringe-inducing at worst.

You don't have to use the boilerplate to be a good speaker. Tom Mulcair is a great speaker, and so is Nathan Cullen, both without resorting to the "boilerplate".

Yet both espouse policies that are a good fit with the NDP (as, for that matter, do all seven remaining candidates). Mulcair and Cullen are breath of fresh air if you ask me.

Can Topp or Nash (or less likely Dewar) still win? Yes, if the other two fall out of contention in the ranked vote at the right time, and most of their supporters have ranked the remaining candidate as their next choice. But neither of these is a given. I hope Mulcair wins. I find him inspiring. Regardless of who wins, I work for unity in the NDP.

Canada needs us to be united.

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