Union bargaining brought about all the important education reforms.
Salutin: Unions are imperfect vehicles but they’re somewhat democratic, like elections, and give teachers a way to speak.
“Who will save our schools, and public education?
Not Premier Dalton McGuinty, who’s bought into the common obsession that the money “just isn’t there.” So he freezes public sector wages, pulling even more money out of the economy, assuring there’ll be even less in taxes to spend on programs, leading to the same death spiral that Europe is following. I know high-school kids who understand this better than Dalton, but maybe it’s because they can still take economics and business courses — although his stress on standardized tests in the “basics” is undermining all that.
Not titans of business like Bill Gates or the Weston foundation, who have anointed themselves to solve a (still unproven) crisis…”
For the complete article, please click here.
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