Oct 212012
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Join the call for a global Bill of Reproductive Rights.

from the Center for Reproductive Rights

The Center for Reproductive Rights has launched an innovative new campaign — "Draw the line" — in support of the Center’s Bill of Reproductive Rights. The Bill of Reproductive Rights provides an opportunity for Americans to join together and tell lawmakers that they stand strongly behind a woman’s right to safe reproductive health care.

With support from a number of luminaries — including Kevin Bacon, Sandra Bernhard, Billy Crudup, Olympia Dukakis, Jenna Fischer, Caroline Kennedy, Lisa Kudrow, Tea Leoni, Audra McDonald, Oliver Platt, Martha Plimpton, Amy Poehler, Kyra Sedgwick, Sarah Silverman, Meryl Streep, and Louis Zorich — the Center is calling on women and men across the country and from every walk of life to fight against attacks made on a woman’s fundamental and constitutional rights by signing the Bill of Reproductive Rights at www.drawtheline.org.

Hollywood stars react to some of politicians' insulting remarks about women.

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Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, the Center for Reproductive Rights is the only global legal advocacy organization dedicated exclusively to advancing and defending reproductive rights. With expertise in both US constitutional and international human rights law, the Center fights to ensure strong legal protections for reproductive rights, and affordable and unhindered access to a full range of reproductive health care services — including contraception, pregnancy care, abortion, and fertility treatments.
Across the United States, the Center has brought the full power of the US Constitution and courts to bear to ensure that anti-choice politicians do not turn back the clock on reproductive rights. Just this past year, the Center’s efforts have blocked extreme attacks on women’s rights and health care in Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, and Oklahoma.

Over the last several years, the increasingly relentless and hostile nature of the attacks on women’s reproductive rights have been on full display.

“Over the last several years, the increasingly relentless and hostile nature of the attacks on women’s reproductive rights have been on full display — underscoring just how critical it is to for Americans to take action and demand these rights be recognized as fundamental,” said Nancy Northup, president and CEO at the Center for Reproductive Rights.
“It’s time that a women’s right to safe and accessible reproductive health care be safeguarded from the political tactics of those who seek to chip it away. It’s time for women and men to send a strong message to lawmakers across the country that we are drawing the line.”
As the country approaches 40 years since the historic Roe v Wade decision, it has never been clearer what is at stake if the onslaught of anti-choice measures is allowed to continue. These laws — such as forced ultrasound laws, restrictions on which health care services are covered by insurance plans, and zealous efforts to drive women’s doctors out of practice — place women at risk of grave harm, demean and humiliate their autonomy and ability to make their own decisions, and build significant barriers between women and safe reproductive health care services, including abortion.
To join the conversation online, use the hashtag #DrawTheLine.
The Bill of Reproductive Rights states:

We the people of the United States hereby assert the following as fundamental human rights that no government may deny, and that our governments at every level must guarantee and safeguard for all.

  1. The right to make our own decisions about our reproductive health and future, free from intrusion or coercion by any government, group, or individual.
  2. The right to a full range of safe, affordable, and readily accessible reproductive health care — including pregnancy care, preventive services, contraception, abortion, and fertility treatment — and accurate information about all of the above.
  3. The right to be free from discrimination in access to reproductive health care or on the basis of our reproductive decisions.

Add your name to Drawtheline.org


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