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Jul 302013

Unenforced standards permit widespread wage theft, unsafe job sites, underpayment.

by Daniel Tucker-Simmons

Legislated employment standards are a cornerstone of a strong, healthy society, as well as a robust, thriving economy. They ensure that everyone who works earns a minimum wage for their labour, and that nobody is subjected to inhumane working conditions or unduly harsh treatment at the hands of their employer.

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Jul 292013

Survey shows the newswire ran half as many stories on climate change after hiring a 'skeptic'.

by Alexis Sobel Fitts for Media Matters

A Media Matters study finds that Reuters' coverage of climate change declined by nearly 50 percent under the regime of the current managing editor, lending credence to a former reporter's claim that a "climate of fear" has gripped the agency.

David Fogarty, a former Reuters climate change correspondent, wrote that Managing Editor Paul Ingrassia, then serving as deputy editor-in-chief, identified himself as "a climate change sceptic" in 2012. As time went on, Fogarty alleged, "getting any climate change-themed story published got harder," as some desk editors "agonised" over decisions and allowed articles to become mired in bureaucracy. Eventually, amid a "climate of fear," Fogarty's role was "abolished."

An earlier report published by The Baron, an independent site that caters to current and former Reuters employees, similarly noted that in recent years the news service has been steered in a "new direction" in its climate change coverage, as evidenced by decreased attention, in-print "skepticism" and the reassignment of regional environment correspondents to other beats….

Read the whole story on Media Matters

Jul 272013

US Peace Memorial Foundation seeks to build a culture of peace.

from the US Peace Memorial Foundation

The Board of Directors of the US Peace Memorial Foundation voted unanimously to award its 2013 Peace Prize to Bradley Manning for conspicuous bravery, at the risk of his own freedom, above and beyond the call of duty.

Michael Knox, Chair of the Foundation, presented the award on July 26 at a rally at Ft McNair, Washington, DC.  The reading of the inscription was met with great applause.  In his remarks, Knox thanked Manning for his courage and for all that he has sacrificed for this country and the world.  The plaque was accepted by Emma Cape, Bradley Manning Support Network Campaign Organizer.

Many of Bradley Manning’s contributions are documented in the US Peace Registry (scroll down to his name).  In addition to receiving the 2013 Peace Prize, the US Peace Memorial Foundation’s highest honor, Bradley Manning has also been designated as a Founding Member.  He joins previous outstanding Peace Prize recipients Medea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich, and Cindy Sheehan.

Peace Prize nominees considered this year include: American Friends Service Committee, CodePink, Courage to Resist, Lynn Elling, Daniel Ellsberg, Food Not Bombs, and Ann Wright.  You can read about the antiwar/peace activities of this year's exceptional nominees in our publication, the US Peace Registry.

Upon hearing of the selection, nominee Daniel Ellsberg stated, “Bradley richly deserves this award, as well as the Nobel Peace Prize for which he's also been nominated, with support of more than 100,000 Americans.  He was willing to sacrifice his freedom to bring the murderous realities of "twenty-first century asymmetric warfare" to the attention of this country and the world in a way that no one else has had the conscience or courage to do.”

Since 2005, the US Peace Memorial Foundation has directed a nationwide effort to recognize peace leadership by publishing the US Peace Registry, awarding an annual Peace Prize, and planning for the US Peace Memorial in Washington, DC.  These educational projects help move the US toward a culture of peace as we honor the millions of thoughtful and courageous Americans who have taken a public stand against one or more US wars or who have devoted their time, energy, and other resources to finding peaceful solutions to international conflicts.  We celebrate these role models in hopes of inspiring other Americans to speak out against war and for peace.  Please read World Peace: A First Step  for more details.

Jul 252013

Improv Everywhere sets up 'Tourist Lane' on Manhattan sidewalk.

by Improv Everywhere


A little sidewalk chalk underlines a quick and clever prank.

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Jul 232013

Saturday Night Live lampoons royal obstetrical etiquette.

with Martin Short

Martin Short ad libs required ob-gyn deportment.

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Jul 222013

Authoritarian governments cite NSA revelations to excuse eavesdropping.

by Richard Solash

Recent revelations about the National Security Agency's (NSA) Internet surveillance program have stirred debate in the United States, raised concern among Washington's allies, and sent the Obama administration scrambling for explanations. They could also be a boon to authoritarian regimes around the world.
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Jul 222013

People expect too much from products with an SPF higher than 50.

by Sonya Lunder

Theoretically, applying sunscreen with a sun protection factor — SPF — of 100 would allow beachgoers to bare their skin 100 times longer before the sun burns it. Someone who would normally redden after 30 minutes in the midday sun could stay out for 50 hours.

But for high-SPF sunscreens, theory and reality are two two different things. Many studies have found that people are misled by the claims on high-SPF sunscreen bottles. They are more likely to use high SPF products improperly and as a result may expose themselves to more harmful ultraviolet radiation than people relying on products with lower SPF.

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Jul 182013
TPP protest.

Wait for the TPP.

from Common Dreams

Mitch Jones of Common Dreams says that the power of ALEC and the Koch brothers will pale beside the influence of the Transpacific Partnership and the Trans Atlantic Free Trade Agreement now in secret negotiations involving 12 and 27 countries respectively, including Canada.  Both deals "will permanently enshrine the very economic system that has led to greater imbalances in income and wealth and increasing economic crises."


Jul 152013

Animated spider plays ElectroArachnid Soda Pop.

by JasonWard Studios

Pluck that web string!

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