Nov 092012
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American Crossroads super PAC defends campaign spending to donors

Washington (CNN) — Officials from the Republican super PAC American Crossroads, including its co-founder Karl Rove, defended their campaign spending and talked about the group's future during a conference call Thursday with 50 of its top donors.

Participants agreed they would not discuss the contents of the call with the media.

American Crossroads and its affiliate, Crossroads GPS, aired tens of millions of dollars worth of television ads aimed at defeating President Barack Obama as well as wresting control of the Senate from Democrats by going after incumbents and challengers in key races.

The two groups exceeded their fund-raising goal of $300 million for this election cycle….

…Using available data, the Sunlight Foundation said of the $103.5 million American Crossroads spent in the general election, 1.29% of it ended in the desired result. None of the candidates American Crossroads supported won, and most of the candidates it opposed were victorious.

Crossroads GPS, which does not have to disclose its donors, spent $70 million during the general election with 14.4% of it having the result it wanted, according to Sunlight Foundation's analysis. None of the candidates GPS supported won….


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  One Response to “Karl Rove has some ‘splaining to do”

  1. HOOORAY!! If there is one failure that pleases me no end about that election, it is K Rove. I hope him and his nasty organisation get sucked into oblivion. 

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