Nov 222012
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Council of Canadians says it has proof of fraud in six ridings.

OTTAWA, November 21, 21012, (SGNews) — Follwing new reports that Elections Canada knew of Conservative voter misdirection efforts in the days before last May's federal election, the Council of Canadians announced the next step in its litigation to throw out results in six ridings.

Gary Neil thinks fraudulent criminal activity can be proved in the 2011 election

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"The remedy is to find a culprit and prosecute them criminally. The remedy for an individual elector is to take an action under section 524 of the Elections Act, and say this fraudulent criminal activity occurred in my riding and it affected the outcome," the organization's executive director Garry Neil told a news conference.

Sandra McEwing, an applicant from the riding of Winnipeg South Centre, described her fears: "I find it terrifying the idea that something so important the ability to choose a leader would be fair game for skullduggery…Not just the attempt on me but finding out that it's a widespread attempt is frightening to me." She described the attempts to mislead Canadians about polling stations as similar to an attempt to break into one's home, and wants to see the perpetrators disqualified for crossing over the line, just a runner's do.

Winnipeg voter Sandra McEwing describes her fears about election fraud
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Steven Shrybman, one of the applicant's lawyers, from the firm Sack explained what is necessary to prove in the election fraud legal challenge. "It isn't just a certain number of people didn't vote, because if that number is spread evenly among all of the political parties, the outcome of the election would arguably be the same. So we had to establish two things, that a certain amount of people didn't vote and that certain types of electors were more likely to be deterred from voting."

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