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Apr 042013
Air Taxi.

Transport Canada cuts a red flag for small aviation operators.

from Postmedia News

Sarah Schmidt of Postmedia News writes the first in a series of reports on the alarming possibilities posed by Transport Canada cuts on air taxis and other small aviation operations. Small operators account for 91 percent of commercial aircraft accidents and, in a decade, the deaths of 253 people.


Apr 042013

Leaked cache of tax havens' financial records dwarfs Wikileaks.

from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

A cache of 2.5 million files has cracked open the secrets of more than 120,000 offshore companies and trusts, exposing hidden dealings of politicians, con men and the mega-rich the world over.

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Apr 032013

Mom and Dad said 'no kids' in the pool while they're away, but they didn't say 'no dogs.'

from Facebook JustForLaughsGags



Apr 012013

As capitalism flounders, the new motto will be, "There's a co-op for that."

by Sven Eberlein

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, businesses, products, and services that benefit people, communities, and the planet — instead of a few megabanks and billionaires — have been in higher demand. The International Cooperative Alliance's recently published Blueprint for a Cooperative Decade lays out a long-term vision to make cooperatives not only the fastest-growing form of business but the acknowledged leader in environmental, social, and economic sustainability.

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Apr 012013

Grandpa practices Kung Fu in the Food Lion parking lot.

from YouTube

Numchuks need lots of room.

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Apr 012013

Harper says $350,000 is too much. Show your disagreement by pledging $1 or up.

from Indiegogo

Canada is now the only country within the UN that does not support the goal of fighting drought.

By opting out of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification we're sending a clear message to the world that we don't care.

I don't believe this.  Canadians do care. Our government just doesn't understand how important the welfare of people across the world is to us.

Help tell our government that.

Here's what we need — and what you get

Canada's contribution to the treaty is $350,000. If we raise it for them, how can they not sign? For $1.00, every cent of which will go to the Receiver General, we can eliminate the only reason the government has not to sign the treaty. Put Canada back on the environmental map.

If we don't reach our goal, no funds will be drawn.  The additional money is to pay the Indiegogo fees.

Who am I? I'm just a Canadian, like you, who doesn't want to see our Canadian brand further eroded by the ill-advised decisions of our government.

Drought Campaign at Indiegogo

Mar 282013

Cringe and laugh along with a bevy of stupid human tricks.

from HumorArmy

That fish won't hunt and other surprises.

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Mar 282013

Harperites don't tell the UN, much less the Canadian public.

by Kelly McParland

Canada, according to Canadian Press, has quietly pulled out of a United Nations convention that fights droughts and desertification.

“Quietly”, in fact, may not begin to describe the furtive means the federal Tories employed in decamping from the convention. It would be completely un-Conservative-like to actually announce such a decision, and offer an explanation. That might suggest the government felt a duty to make public information readily available to the public, which, of course, it doesn’t. Usually, though, if you’re going to pull out of a UN agreement (and CP says Canada will now be the only country in the world outside the convention) you would at least be polite enough to notify the UN itself.  Not this government:  officials at the UN were unaware of the fact until contacted by the CP reporter, and thus unable to suggest a reason for the departure. They may still be trying to figure it out for themselves…

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