Apr 012013
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Harper says $350,000 is too much. Show your disagreement by pledging $1 or up.

from Indiegogo

Canada is now the only country within the UN that does not support the goal of fighting drought.

By opting out of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification we're sending a clear message to the world that we don't care.

I don't believe this.  Canadians do care. Our government just doesn't understand how important the welfare of people across the world is to us.

Help tell our government that.

Here's what we need — and what you get

Canada's contribution to the treaty is $350,000. If we raise it for them, how can they not sign? For $1.00, every cent of which will go to the Receiver General, we can eliminate the only reason the government has not to sign the treaty. Put Canada back on the environmental map.

If we don't reach our goal, no funds will be drawn.  The additional money is to pay the Indiegogo fees.

Who am I? I'm just a Canadian, like you, who doesn't want to see our Canadian brand further eroded by the ill-advised decisions of our government.

Drought Campaign at Indiegogo

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