
Aug 222012

On a dark and stormy night, LOL at worst-first-sentence awards.

from the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest

[Editor’s note: Many readers will be familiar with this worst-first-sentence contest. According to the BLFC website: “Since 1982 the English Department at San Jose State University has sponsored the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, a whimsical literary competition that challenges entrants to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels… ” The 2012 contest winners’ page includes dozens of worthy mentions as well as prize winners in categories such as Children’s Literature, Crime, Romance, and Vile Puns. Here are three of the winners.]

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Jul 272012

It's illegal because the government can't make money on it.

from Bruce Jingles on YouTube video

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Jul 242012

Ditsy 1980s vaudeville act balances skill and giggles.

from Uncle David

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Jun 202012

Library figures out how to turn around tax conversation.

by Leo Burnett Worldwide with YouTube video

The city of Troy, Michigan was facing a budget shortfall, and was considering closing the Troy Public Library for lack of funds. Even though the necessary revenues could be raised through a minuscule tax increase, powerful anti-tax groups in the area were organized against it. A vote was scheduled amongst the city's residents, to shut the library or accept the tax increase, and Leo Burnett Detroit decided to support the library by creating a reverse psychology campaign.

Yard signs began appearing that read: "Vote to Close Troy Library on August 2nd — Book Burning Party on August 5th." No one wants to be a part of a town that burns books. The outraged citizens of Troy pushed back against the "idiotic book burners" and ultimately supported the tax increase, thus ensuring the library's survival.

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Jun 122012

Street cleaner sweeps up too much.

from Just For Laughs

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May 082012

Song celebrates Development Minister's little quirks.

by the AnnaandSteveShow with YouTube video

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