Public Values

Sep 052012

PRPPs simply RRSPs “with a new coat of paint” — CD How Institute.

OTTAWA, ON, August 27, 2012: Even the CD Howe Institute is now criticizing the Harper governments' proposed Pooled Registered Pension Plans (PRPPs) program.

In the report “Pooled Registered Pension Plans: Pension Savior — or a New Tax on the Poor?”, authors James Pierlot and Alexandre Laurin find that the PRPPs program will do little to help most Canadians prepare for retirement.

“As currently proposed, PRPPs present only the appearance of reform because they are for the most part a re-release of an existing retirement savings vehicle — RRSPs — with a new coat of paint,” said James Pierlot, a pension specialist and member of the Pension Policy Council of the CD Howe Institute.

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Sep 052012

“Pervasive and growing reality” undermining nations — Krugman.

Examining the case of privatized halfway houses in New Jersey uncovered by the New York Times, Paul Krugman provides in The Sacramento Bee three reasons behind the drive to increase privatization. Krugman discusses the right’s framing of privatization and how it is meant to mislead. He also counters arguments pitting unions with these same market forces.

“Over the past few days, the New York Times has published several terrifying reports about New Jersey's system of halfway houses — privately run adjuncts to the regular system of prisons. The series is a model of investigative reporting, which everyone should read. But it should also be seen in context. The horrors described are part of a broader pattern in which essential functions of government are being both privatized and degraded.

First of all, about those halfway houses: In 2010, Chris Christie, the state's governor — who has close personal ties to Community Education Centers, the largest operator of these facilities, and who once worked as a lobbyist for the firm…’”

For the complete article, please click here.

Sep 052012

Private equity firms use greater bargaining power to negotiate more lucrative deals at the expense of taxpayers.

WASHINGTON, DC, August 22, 2012: Following its disastrous foray into the housing market, Wall Street’s latest earnings scheme is as close as your kitchen sink: the finance industry is increasingly targeting public water systems. A new report released today by the national consumer advocacy group Food & Water Watch, “Private Equity, Public Inequity: The Public Cost of Private Equity Takeovers of US Water Infrastructure”, reveals that as of January 2012, private equity players had raised $186 billion through 276 infrastructure funds and were seeking another $93 billion to take over infrastructure worldwide.

“Like Wall Street’s manipulation of the housing market in the previous decade, private equity firms and investment bankers are increasingly looking to cash in on one of our most essential resources — water,” said Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter. “These deals are ultimately a bum deal for consumers, who will end up paying the price through increased water bills and degraded service.”

Food & Water Watch’s new report shows that because private equity players typically seek a 12 to 15 percent return on investment, they quickly flip assets. Often, they do this after scrimping on service, investing in elaborate and unnecessary projects, quashing transparency and avoiding taxation, in turn driving up prices for consumers.

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Sep 052012

Astronaut hero had “substantial reservations” about forcing NASA out of human space operations.

August 28, 2012: Neil Armstrong expressed serious reservations about Obama’s space privatization policy, reports Alex Marin on Policymic. In honour of Armstrong’s passing away, he recounts the astronaut’s earlier accomplishments as a military pilot, along with a few anecdotes from space. Armstrong opposed leasing space to private interests to the exclusion of NASA.

“CBS News reported that Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, has passed away ‘following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures.’ He was 82.

His family described him as ‘a reluctant American hero who always believed he was just doing his job.’

Armstrong set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969, fulfilling the goal that had been set by President John F. Kennedy just eight years earlier. He was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, in 1930.

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Aug 162012

Labour Minister asked to appoint unbiased mediator, not friends.

Lemelin: This decision shows that we have been right to oppose this flawed process.OTTAWA, ON, August 9, 2012: The Federal Court of Canada has ruled that Guy Dufort, the second arbitrator appointed by the Harper government to resolve the dispute between Canada Post and its unionized workers — to oversee the imposition of back-to-work legislation and a final offer selection — must step aside and federal Labour Minister, Lisa Raitt, appoint a replacement.

Following his appointment by Minister Raitt on March 15th, Dufort sent his resumé to the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), which included details of his involvement as a high-ranking official with both the Conservative Party of Canada and as an advocate for Canada Post Corporation in its pay equity case.

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Aug 162012

Citizens' help requested to produce a blueprint for Via Rail's revival and expansion.

Gow: CA may soon be the only industrialized nation without proper, effective rail passenger service.OTTAWA, ON, August 10, 2012: In response to the cuts now being made to Via Rail Canada, Transport Action Canada and its five regional affiliates are launching their nationwide town hall workshop project, National Dream Renewed. The first stop will be Sarnia, Ontario.

"We're pleased to accept the invitation of the Sarnia Lambton Economic Partnership and Mayor Mike Bradley to launch this project in their city, which has long called for more and better Via service," says Harry Gow, past president of Transport Action Canada and chair of the National Dream Renewed project. "The decision to cancel half of Sarnia's passenger trains is baffling, especially when the government is currently investing $923 million to renew Via's fleet and other capital assets. What Sarnia and other Canadian communities need is more Via service, not less."

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Aug 162012

Citizens pay "a terrible long-term price to plug short-term budget holes."

Keegan: Right-wing anti-gov/union ideologues exploit tough economic times; the public pays the tab.WASHINGTON, DC, July 31, 2012: State and local budget crises and the election of anti-government ideologues have left taxpayers and communities increasingly vulnerable to predatory "privatization" of government services and public infrastructure. "Desperate government is our best customer," says one finance company executive specializing in the privatization of public infrastructure. A new report from People For the American Way documents that the push to privatize public services and assets often reduces the quality of services, burdens taxpayers and threatens democratic government.

"The combination of budget deficits, anti-tax ideology and financial predators can be deadly to the interests of citizens and communities," said People For the American Way President Michael Keegan. "Right-wing anti-government and anti-union ideologues are exploiting tough economic times and taking advantage of desperate public officials. The public picks up the tab but gives up control and accountability. The public good should never be on the auction block. If citizens are not vigilant, they will end up paying a terrible long-term price for deals to plug short-term budget holes. "

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Aug 162012

August contract expiry prompts province to threaten back-to-work legislation pre-emptively.

Coran: Why the McGuinty govt would threaten back-to-work legislation against teachers is mystifying.TORONTO, ON, August 13, 2012: "The Minister is creating a crisis in education that simply does not exist," said Ken Coran, President of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) in response to the Minister of Education Laurel Broten's press conference.

"She continues to create a panic in this province, implying that teachers and education workers will not be in schools at the beginning of September, and this is completely false. At the beginning of the school year, our members will be in their classrooms doing what they do best: working with the students of Ontario. Why the McGuinty government would threaten back-to-work legislation against our members is simply mystifying," he emphasized.

"We all know that our contracts expire at the end of August. However, in the past, all parties have been successful at finding negotiated solutions."

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Aug 162012

PRPPs riskier, costlier than CPP expansion.

August 2, 2012: The Canadian Bankers Association has written provincial premiers, urging them to implement the federal government's Pooled Registered Pension Plans (PRPPs) in order to help Canadians save for retirement.

That's rich: for years, Canadian banks have raked in millions of dollars in high fees on the $800 billion Canadians have invested in mutual funds. Canadian mutual funds carry among the highest management fees in the world, charges that can easily wipe out half of an individual's retirement savings.

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Aug 162012

Premier's directions for completion prior to Pan-Am games contrary to Metrolinx's statutory obligation to consider environmental sustainability, long-term goals.

Ciccarelli: If Premier wants control of agency he should pass legislation to remove its independenceTORONTO, ON, August 8, 2012: The Clean Train Coalition has filed an application with the Ontario Divisional Court requesting a Judicial Review of the decision by Metrolinx to put diesel trains along the air rail link (ARL) between Union Station and Pearson airport.

The application seeks an order to quash the Metrolinx ARL diesel project on the basis that the regional transit agency unlawfully fettered its authority to consider an electric alternative to diesel by accepting instructions from the government of Ontario to construct the ARL in time for the 2015 Pan Am Games.

"We have been left with no choice but to seek a legal remedy to stop this dirty diesel plan," said Rick Ciccarelli, CTC chair. "We tried to persuade the government and Metrolinx to do the right thing and build an electric air rail link from the start. But there has been no accountability and now we are going to court to protect the health of 300,000 residents who live in the corridor.

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