Take action!

Mar 032013

Tell BC government to provide safe space and treatment for children in crisis.

by Kelly Bradley, through Change.org

British Columbia hospitals need to start providing in-patient emergency mental health services for children in crisis, when they are self-harming, harming their family are suicidal or in other forms of distress.  At the moment hospitals are sending away families and children in crisis who are having crisis mental health episodes. This is a serious gap in critical care in BC that must be recognized.

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Feb 212013
Ezra Levant.

Tell the CRTC not to put Sun TV in basic cable package

from Public Response

You won’t believe this, but if you subscribe to cable TV, you may soon find yourself paying for Sun TV… whether you want to or not. 

“Fox News North” is losing $17 million every month because so few Canadians want to watch its neo-conservative shows, run by hosts like Ezra Levant. Now Sun Media Corporation is asking the CRTC to force cable providers such as Rogers and Bell to carry Sun TV, and then to force you to pay for it through your monthly subscription bill.

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Feb 112013

Tell Christy Clark to save fresh drinking water from fracking industry.

from Change.org

BC Premier Premier Christy Clark is poised to give away three billion litres of water every year from the Fort Nelson River in northeast BC to Encana for fracking. This river is the lifeblood of the Fort Nelson First Nation.

And that’s just the beginning. There are several more approvals in the works for long-term water withdrawal licenses that will give away trillions of litres of fresh water to shale gas companies — all without proper consultation with First Nations or the public!

Fort Nelson First Nation has worked with the natural gas industry and government to provide economic opportunities for its members and the entire province through responsible resource development. But our concerns regarding irresponsible, unsustainable water use have gone ignored. Now our community is forced to stand in defence of our life-sustaining waters and responsible development.

Fort Nelson First Nation is calling on Premier Christy Clark to cease the issuance of all long-term water withdrawal licenses to the shale gas industry until the Province has thoroughly consulted with First Nations and the public.

Fort Nelson First Nation is calling on Premier Christy Clark to cease the issuance of all long-term water withdrawal licenses to the shale gas industry until the Province has thoroughly consulted with First Nations and the public in the development of a clear, responsible, and effective water management plan. This plan must include adequate baseline studies, proper regional monitoring, cumulative impact assessment, and protected areas to sustain fish and wildlife habitat.

We believe that shale gas development can occur without full-scale damage to our rivers, lakes and streams, but it will take a strong commitment from local communities, governments and oil and gas companies to do the right thing. Please join us in sending this message to Premier Christy Clark and help us protect our water!

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Feb 112013

Finnish employer tries end run around independent union in Mexico.

by Eric Lee for Labourstart
PKC is a company you have probably never heard of. It's an auto-parts supplier based in Finland, but with plants in ten other countries. Like some other companies, it tends to be respectful of workers' rights where it has to, but behaves badly where it can.

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Feb 042013
A beehive.

Petition Bayer to stop selling pesticides blamed for Colony Collapse Disorder.

from Sumofus

Bayer, the global chemical company, is manufacturing a chemical that new evidence shows is killing off bees. The global die-off of bees represents an enormous danger to the planet. Thirty percent of our crops — and 90 percent of wild plants — rely on bees to thrive. Without bees, our entire global food supply is in serious trouble.

Bayer has paid for biased research that “proves” its chemical isn’t a problem. But now independent scientists in Europe have discovered that Bayer’s chemical is a high risk to bees.

The dangerous chemical Bayer makes is a neonicotinoid. Neonicotonoids are soaked into seeds, spreading through the plant and killing insects stopping for a snack.

The chances are high that most of us reading this email have bought a Bayer product at least once. The company makes everything from Alka-Seltzer to Berocca to flea treatments for pets.

Bayer knows that it needs to keep its customers happy. If it realises that its customers are up in the arms about the European research findings that show their chemical is killing bees, it will have to put its chemical from the market.

Tell Bayer it needs to pull its bee-poisoning pesticide off the market now.

The dangerous chemical Bayer makes is a neonicotinoid. Neonicotonoids are soaked into seeds, spreading through the plant and killing insects stopping for a snack. These pesticides can easily be replaced by different chemicals which don’t soak so deeply into our crops. But companies like Bayer make a fortune from selling neonicotinoids — so they’ll do everything they can to protect their profit. 

It’s not just bees that are hurt by these chemicals. Research on rats found that neonicotinoids may also hurt human health, especially the developing brain. But as with the bees, we don’t know as much as we should about the health hazards, because companies like Bayer spend millions on research which muddies the water with biased studies. For Bayer, people’s health plays a distant second to their huge profits. 

Members of the European Parliament are calling for an outright ban on these toxic chemicals. But we don't know when or if they'll pass the ban, and Bayer's global reach threatens bees across the planet. That's why we need to use our power as citizen-consumers to push Bayer to pull the poison now.

Sign the petition online

Jan 312013
One Billion Rising logo

Eve Ensler launches One Billion Rising to overthrow violence against women.

from V-Day

One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime.

One billion women violated is an atrocity.

One billion women dancing is a revolution.

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Jan 282013

Bill C-400 sets out roadmap to end homelessness.

from Dignity for All

Bill C-400 is a private member’s bill currently before Parliament that addresses the crisis of homelessness and inadequate housing in Canada. It calls for leadership on the development of a national housing strategy using a human rights framework. The Bill is currently at second reading in the House of Commons and will be referred to Committee — the crucial next step in the legislative process — if a majority vote is received. The vote is currently scheduled for February 13, 2013.

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Jan 282013

False robocalls and other election violations jeopardize Canadian democracy.

from Democracy Watch

You’ve heard lots of talk from politicians saying they are concerned about false election robocalls and enforcement of election laws, but it is clear politicians need to be pushed to make key changes to stop false election robocalls and strengthen enforcement.

False robocalls were received by tens of thousands of voters in more than 230 ridings during the spring 2011 federal election, and were also used to mislead voters in some recent provincial elections.

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