Public Service Alliance of Canada calls for a thousand more food inspectors.
by SGNews Staff
by SGNews Staff
from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
A story in the Winnipeg Free Press’s The View from the West (Dec.10, 2012 – Private Ontario liquor stores will benefit consumers) brings the issue of privatizing liquor sales to readers’ attention. Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives plan on privatizing retail liquor sales in Ontario should they take power, and the author is all in favour. He points to the “empirical evidence collected over 20 years in Alberta” and the contention that publically controlling liquor sales is “contrary to economic freedom.”
by SGNews Staff
from the Miami Herald
Leon County Circuit Court Judge John Cooper on Tuesday struck down an attempt by the Florida Legislature to privatize prison health care by using a budgetary process instead of making the change through a full vote of lawmakers.
from the Ottawa Citizen
When Dayna Scott’s six-year-old son came home from Hopewell Avenue Public School with a pamphlet about a new phys-ed program at recess, it sounded like a good idea. Rohan is a little fireball, and loves sports of all kinds. The “Active Start recess program,” the pamphlet promised, helps children six to nine develop the general skills they need to move into any sport.
by Barry O’Neill
Did we miss the proclamation of “P3 Week” in British Columbia? Earlier this week, the Sun ran three op-ed pieces in two days, all lauding the supposed virtues of “public private partnerships (P3s).”
The three op-eds had a couple of things in common. First, they were written by people with a bias in favour of P3s. Two were written by law firms that make big money from P3s. The last was written by the head of a health authority which has had P3s foisted on it by the provincial government.
from The Little Education Report
Recent statements by Minister of Education Laurel Broten and PC Leader Tim Hudak follow the hackneyed old saw, “those nice classroom teachers that you all like are being seriously misled by radical union leaders like Sam Hammond (ETFO) and Ken Coran (OSSTF).” Nothing could be further from the truth.
by SGNews Staff
from thestar.com
MADRID, December 12, 2012,(AP) — Thousands of Spanish medical workers and residents angered by budget cuts and plans to partly privatize the cherished national health service marched through some of Madrid’s most famous squares on Sunday.